The Challenges of Winter Udder Care
During winter, the combination of wet and freezing temperatures makes the udders of dairy cows particularly vulnerable to a host of health issues, including:
- Frozen teats: The cold can cause teats to freeze, leading to painful cracks and fissures.
- Mastitis: Infections caused by bacteria entering through cracks or irritated skin.
- Swollen udders: Cold weather can lead to inflammation and swelling, which can make milking painful for the cow.
- Dry, cracked skin: The drying effects of wind and low humidity can cause skin to crack which opens the door to infections.
In order to prevent these issues farmers need to pay extra attention to their cows' udders. This includes providing proper hydration and hydration support, using the right bedding materials, and applying the right organic dairy farming solutions to protect the teats which we will explore in this blog!