Dr. Sarah’s Top Tips for Udder Health in Winter
Dr. Sarah has dedicated her career to providing natural solutions for dairy farmers. Her tips for winter udder care are practical, effective, and designed with the well-being of both cows and the environment in mind. Here are her top three tips for keeping your cows' udders healthy during the winter months:
1. Provide Low-Salt, Free-Choice Mineral Supplements
A key part of winter udder care is maintaining proper hydration and electrolyte balance. Dehydration can be a significant problem during colder months, as cows drink less water in cold weather. Dehydration can lead to dry, cracked skin on the teats, which increases the risk of mastitis and other infections. Products like O’ Pecti-Lyte and Lacto Paste are great additions to any member of your herd that you suspect may be dehydrated and needs an extra boost.
Dr. Sarah recommends offering cows a free-choice mineral supplement during the winter months. Minerals help maintain hydration levels and promote overall health, which is essential for healthy udder function. Proper mineral intake also helps prevent the build-up of toxins in the body, which can affect milk quality.
Incorporating supplements that are organic and made without any harsh chemicals or petroleum-based products ensures you're using products that are safe for both the environment and your cows. You can trust that these products will align with the principles of organic farming, providing peace of mind that you're maintaining the integrity of your dairy farm and adhering to organic standards.
2. Keep the Bedding Dry
Proper bedding is one of the most important aspects of udder health during the winter months. Wet bedding can lead to moisture around the teats, creating the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Bacteria are a leading cause of mastitis which is an infection we all know can drastically affect milk production and overall cow health.
Dr. Sarah advises keeping bedding dry and fluffy to absorb moisture effectively. By providing plenty of dry bedding, you also reduce the likelihood of frozen teats. When teats freeze, they can become cracked and damaged, which opens the door to bacterial infections and painful conditions. Dry bedding not only keeps the cows comfortable, but it also helps to maintain the skin's natural moisture balance. Proper pasture rotation in the winter is key to preventing mud buildup, which can make it easier for cows to develop mastitis when they lie down in it.
3. Use Dr. Sarah’s Essentials for Ultimate Udder Protection
Winter dryness and freezing temperatures can cause serious damage to the teats, leading to cracks that invite infections. To protect the teats and prevent mastitis, Dr. Sarah recommends using her specially formulated Savvy Udder protective salve, which has been designed specifically to address the challenges of winter milking – its unique oil base can create a protective barrier between the udder and the harsh winter environment. Additionally, the potent essential oils in the salve can effectively treat viral, bacterial, and fungal infections on contact.