The Best Products for Winter Udder Care

The Best Products for Winter Udder Care

We developed a range of natural and plant-based products to help dairy farmers protect their cows' udders during the colder months. These products are ideal for those who practice holistic and organic dairy farming and care deeply about the health of their cows and the quality of the milk produced.

Milking Comfort – Teat Dip & Cleaner

During winter, the combination of wet teats and freezing temperatures makes the skin more vulnerable to infections. Milking Comfort is a natural teat dip and cleaner made with essential oils that clean, disinfect, and moisturize the teats before and after milking. This powerful solution reduces the risk of bacterial and fungal infections, while also keeping the teats soft and hydrated.

Since Milking Comfort contains organic ingredients, it’s a perfect choice for farmers who prioritize the use of safe and sustainable products on their organic dairy farms.

Savvy Udder – Protective Salve

Winter can be particularly harsh on teats, leading to painful cracks and fissures. Savvy Udder is a rich, natural salve made from plant-based ingredients that help soothe and heal cracked teats. Its nourishing properties prevent cracks from worsening, while promoting healthy skin and providing a barrier against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.

The salve is easy to apply and works quickly to relieve discomfort. With Savvy Udder, you can ensure that your cows’ teats stay healthy and protected during the harsh winter months.

Protect Her – Liquid Protection

For farmers who prefer a liquid solution, Protect Her offers the same protection as Savvy Udder, but in an easy-to-apply liquid form instead of the oil-based savvy udder. This product provides a protective layer that helps hydrate the teats, preventing dryness and cracking. It’s especially useful for larger herds, as the liquid can be easily applied to multiple cows at once.

Protect Her is ideal for organic dairy farming practices, as it’s made with all-natural ingredients that align with organic standards. All of Dr. Sarah’s products utilize only high-quality, non-toxic, natural ingredients to promote health and healing.

Udderly Soft – Lotion for Swollen Udders

Cold weather can lead to swollen udders and even mastitis. Udderly Soft is a soothing topical lotion that helps reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and promote healing in swollen udders. It also helps to prevent mastitis by keeping the udder area supple and healthy by bringing beneficial blood circulation to the extremities of the udder, thus keeping the immune system alert in this highly sensitive area.

Udderly Soft lotion is especially beneficial for cows that experience discomfort or edema due to cold weather. It provides relief and promotes healing, making it an essential product for dairy farmers who care about their cows' health and comfort.

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